Zeifmans Quarterly 3 – PropTech Edition

Zeifmans Quarterly 3 is back for its PropTech edition, featuring Zeifmans’ client Chris Kamarianakis, CEO of Protect Your Boundaries.

PropTech explained:

PropTech (Property Technology) is the term used to describe the wave of technology innovations that are currently disrupting the real estate industry. The development of PropTech is driving a global mentality change regarding data assembly, transactions and building design. The future of the real estate industry is both exciting and hard to predict, as PropTech is already starting to make its presence known in both the residential and commercial property space.

Today, Chris and Zeifmans’ partners Ahmad Aslam and David Posner, answer 3 of your real estate and PropTech related questions and explore the following topics:

  1. The influence of technology in the real estate industry.
  2. The challenges that real estate companies may encounter as they begin to embrace PropTech.
  3. The importance of adapting to the future of the real estate industry.

Have further questions? Reach out to our Real Estate team direct at info@zeifmans.ca or call us at 416.256.4000.

About Protect Your Boundaries:

Protect Your Boundaries (PYB) is the most comprehensive online resource for Greater Toronto Area (GTA) homeowners seeking the knowledge, tools and services to prevent and resolve land and property boundary issues.

PYB offers the following products and services to help you protect your property investment and enjoy an optimal homeownership experience:

  • Access to existing survey plans (online database for all addresses in the Greater Toronto Area—other Ontario regions coming soon)
  • Learning centre (easy-to-understand information and tools)
  • Surveying services
  • Online consultation

Protect Your Boundaries Inc. is a licensed member of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors, and is entitled to provide cadastral surveying services to the public of the Province of Ontario in accordance with the provisions of the Surveyors Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter S29.

PYB is developed in partnership with, the exclusive provider of online property search and registration in Ontario, and Land Survey Records Inc., owner of the LSR system and licensor of over 1 million Ontario survey plans, to provide you access to the single largest database of digitized land survey plans from leading GTA land survey firms.
