Zeifmans Quarterly 3 – Commercial Real Estate Edition

Zeifmans Quarterly 3 is back for its Commercial Real Estate edition, where partners Ahmad Aslam and David Posner answer 3 of your real estate sector, business, tax and accounting questions.

Today, Ahmad and David examine the following real estate topics:

    1.  Exploring potential excess costs commercial real estate property buyers need to be aware of when looking for a mortgage. As a recommended additional reading, our real estate team advises reviewing, How interest rate swapping can save you money
    2. How shared work spaces are affecting  real estate in Toronto, Canada. Have questions or want to know more? Review our post, 4 tips for navigating commercial leases to avoid long term consequences
    3. Explain potential common pre-payment penalties on commercial real estate loans and how to avoid.  As a recommended additional reading, our real estate team advises reviewing, Leveraging real estate investments – what to consider as you begin to develop your portfolio

Have further questions? Reach out to our Real Estate team direct at info@zeifmans.ca or call us at 416.256.4000.
