Part 1 of 4 of Zeifmans’ Non-Resident Event Digital Series | Technology & Startups Edition

The team at Zeifmans is in constant pursuit of bigger and better ways to deliver business insight and strategy to our clients. Recently, we launched our first ever podcast series, and today we’re thrilled to share the video recordings of the first of our 4-part Non-Resident Digital Event Series,  Technology & Startups Edition: Expansion & Innovation.  In this first series,  key Zeifmans team members interviewed industry experts and educators to get the latest scoop for entrepreneurs.

These value-packed conversations cover a variety of topics affecting startups, in particular those who are non-resident to Canada and considering opening business operations on Canadian soil.

Alex Norman, Partner N49P, TechTO Co-Founder, and AngelList Canadian Partner

Aly Somani, Partner at Cassels, Brock, and Blackwell LLP

Jonathan Gabay, National Manager of Knowledge Based Industries at TD Business Banking, Market Segment Strategy Group

Chris Carder, Co-Director Entrepreneurial Studies at Schulich School of Business

The episodes cover a wide range of issues affecting new businesses, including:

Expanding into the Canadian market
Where are the opportunities in Canada? What does a non-resident corporation need to do to differentiate their offering?

Expanding the team
What’s the best way to seek out the right team members to add value and skill to a startup? How can an entrepreneur find Canadian mentors?

How do non-resident corporations look for financing in Canada? What programs are available for Canadian startups?

Legal and corporate structure
What legal issues do startups need to consider during their early stages? How important is formal documentation such as a shareholders agreement?

In addition to the bite-sized interview episodes, we produced a webinar in conjunction with our Argentinian Nexia affiliate Abelovich, Polano, Asociados S.R.L.. Over the course of the webinar, we outline information for companies seeking expansion into either the Canadian or Argentinian market, presented by experts from each side.


Upcoming events and content
Join Zeifmans for part 2 of our Non-Resident Digital Event Series, High Net Worth Edition: Legacy, Preservation & Optimization on November 12, by registering here. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to hear the latest news and receive the newest insights.
