While a number of US states have legalized marijuana and cannabis based products for medical and/or recreational use, the US federal tax rules take a harsh perspective on the deductibility ...
Potential protective refund opportunity for US citizens impacted by repatriation tax
Our US citizen client base had been significantly and adversely impacted by the repatriation tax imposed on the retained earnings of their Canadian corporations. An opportunity may exist to file ...
Canadian cannabis investors should exercise caution when entering US
While immigration law is clearly not an area in which we practice, at Zeifmans we are concerned for our clients and contacts active in the cannabis space in light of ...
Top 10 reasons why cannabis companies need accounting leadership: Part 2
In Part 2 of this series, we continue to examine why cannabis companies need accounting leadership and the biggest challenges they face. It’s a positive problem: A start-up grows so ...
Canadian cannabis stocks – the Canada-Israel link
The combination of Canada’s cannabis capital markets and Israel’s clinical research expertise have poised the nations for fruitful collaboration for Canadian cannabis stocks. While Canada has postponed the legalization of ...
Navigating the U.S. e-commerce state sales tax collection rules
On June 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favour of allowing South Dakota to impose an e-commerce sales tax by Wayfair Inc. (“Wayfair”), a large online furniture ...
Update for CFC owners on mitigating the impact of U.S. tax reforms
U.S. citizens abroad who own an interest in a Controlled Foreign Corporation (“CFC”) have been unfairly targeted by two provisions of the U.S. tax reform that was legislated at the ...
Doing Business Globally: A Tax Update
In June 2018, in conjunction with hosting the international tax conference of Nexia International – a global network of independent accounting and consulting firms and one of the top ten global ...
GILTI or Not GILTI: A guide for U.S. expatriates living in Canada
First, expatriate U.S. citizens who owned a direct or indirect interest in a Canadian corporation had to deal with an unfair transition tax on the amount of earnings and profits ...