In this uncertain time, the last thing you need to worry about is the future of your legacy wealth plan. It’s impossible to accurately forecast everything that will take place ...
6 key facets to a successful family enterprise
A family enterprise can be recognized today as an important and distinct organization in the world economy, operating in every country. Although family businesses have been described as unusual business ...
More than life insurance
Most of us consider life insurance to be an important personal tool, offering peace of mind and financial protection in the event of an emergency. And while that is indeed ...
Your estate trustee needs these 7 qualities
Selecting a trustee or executor for your estate is among the most important decisions you’ll make in the estate planning process. Many people automatically assume that the role should be ...
5 essential qualities to seek in a trusted advisor
Being a business owner means having to take action in the face of uncertainty. No matter how much education you’ve amassed, or how many years you’ve been in business, to ...
The future of Family Businesses in Canada
Family businesses in Canada have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Far from simply representing a few scattered enterprises, family business is the backbone of the Canadian economy. ...
5 reasons why your family needs a financial advisor
If you think that the effect of your financial life remains within the confines of your bank account, think again. A study[1] has recently proven that the perception of financial ...
Planning Your Legacy: A guide to preserving and growing your wealth
It’s impossible to accurately forecast everything that will take place in your future. It’s a fact of life that we exist in uncertainty, placing one foot in front of the ...
4 reasons to consider working with an Estate Trustee During Litigation (ETDL)
During the course of our lives, we do our best to plan ahead for what will eventually take place when we pass away. In an ideal world, an estate plan ...