Family Business Consulting Services

Operating a family-owned enterprise presents a distinct array of advantages and hurdles, ranging from succession and estate planning to the intricacies of managing relationships with family members and stakeholders. Frequently, there exists a convoluted array of concerns and sensitivities that must be delicately navigated to safeguard the welfare of both the business and the family.

Acting as your family CFO, Zeifmans is able to perform a number of professional functions. In outsourcing these tasks to our team, your family business will free up time and energy to focus on the items that matter most to you.

Family Office Services:

Zeifmans services stretch beyond accounting to perform a breadth of advisory and strategic development functions. Our goal is to help our clients achieve new business growth and improve profitability, and to accomplish this end we prioritize communication and innovation. We seek to honour the vision of earlier generations while also creating new strategies to push the next generation ahead into a new phase of success.

Transferring Ownership

Asset Protection and Valuation Services

Governance / Compliance

Retirement Planning

Our firsthand experience within the realm of family-operated enterprises enables us to intimately grasp the intricacies involved. We possess a deep understanding of the requirements of both current and future generations, recognizing that crafting an effective strategy necessitates a thorough understanding of the past and a forward-thinking vision for the future.

We understand that solutions for family business are never “one-size-fits-all”. Instead, our services are tailor-made to suit your unique needs, and developed using knowledge of your industry standards and trends.

Some of the industries we operate within include:

  • Hospitality
  • Mining
  • Manufacturing & Distribution
  • Food Services
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Transportation and Warehousing
  • Construction
  • Real Estate & Development
  • Technology & Startups
  • Financial Services

The Zeifmans Family Business Handbook: Understanding the 6 facets of family business success. 

Download our Family Business Handbook to learn more on the key challenge in distinguishing the processes, functions, and financial activities that will assist a family in organizing and executing strategically over the long term.

Areas we explore:

  • Family Dynamics
  • Ownership Structure
  • Business Governance
  • Long-Term Strategy
  • Wealth Management
  • Succession Planning

Download below.

For more information about family business office, please contact us using the form below.

