Are Tax Rate Differentials Giving Some NHL Teams an Edge?
Hockey is about skill, strategy, and teamwork—but in today’s NHL, tax policies might play a surprising role in shaping team success. Teams based in U.S. states with no state income ...
Pending real estate incorporating laws may save realtors tax dollars
Historically, real estate agents operating in Ontario have not been permitted to incorporate, because the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act to which they are subject, prohibits them from incorporating their ...
News Alert: Oct 18 and 19 updates on the taxation of owner-managed businesses
On October 3rd, 2017, we reported on Part 4: The Conversion of Income into Capital Gains, providing two examples of how double taxation could arise, should this proposed legislation be ...
How will my business be affected by the new taxation of owner-managed business? Update: Federal Government Tax changes announced October 16, 2017
Federal Government New Taxation Changes Announced October 16th, 2017 In our recent 4-part series, we took an in-depth look at how the Department of Finance’s proposed legislative changes could affect ...
How will my business be affected by the new taxation of owner-managed business? Part 4: The conversion of income into capital gains
In the previous three parts of our series, we looked at several ways in which the Department of Finance’s proposed legislation could negatively affect Canadian business owners with new taxation ...
How will my business be affected by the new taxation of owner-managed business? Part 3: The ECGD
Last week, we reported on how the Department of Finance’s draft legislation proposes to change the process of Income Splitting. Today, in Part 3 of our 4-Part series, we’ll look ...
How will my business be affected by the new taxation of owner-managed business? Part 2: Income splitting
Yesterday, we took a look at how the draft legislation recently released by the Department of Finance would affect taxation of passive investments. Today, in Part 2 of our 4-Part ...
How will my business be affected by the new taxation of owner-managed business? Part 1: Passive investment
There has been a lot of buzz in the media lately about the draft legislation released by the Department of Finance on July 18, 2017. It’s our belief that if ...
A Tax Trap in Estate Law Mediation
David Posner, Partner and Charles Wagner of Wagner Sidlofsky LLP discuss joint accounts where a foreign based deceased who has Canadian assets holds an Ontario account in joint tenancy in, A ...
Zeifmans Celebrates 2017 Nexia Day with Alumni in Toronto
On September 13, 2017, to celebrate Nexia Day, and the enduring relationships we’ve built within our ethnically diverse global community, we invited Zeifmans alumni to visit our office in Toronto, ...