Michael McGee joined Zeifmans in 2013 servicing a wide range of industries, such as high tech, investment funds, manufacturing, professional corporations, and not-for-profit. Michael specializes in accounting and tax advisory to owner-managed businesses through providing personalized services to entrepreneurs at each stage of their business cycle. Michael is knowledgeable in both Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Michael also engages in specialized consulting engagements, including advising clients on mergers and acquisitions.
Michael McGee graduated from York University with a Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Accounting in 2013, obtained his Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants CA designation in 2016, and completed CPA Canada’s In-Depth Tax Program. He assists clients in tax planning, tax minimization strategies, tax compliance, tax reporting, voluntary disclosures, CRA audits, CRA objections and appeals, and holding strategies for Canadian taxpayers holding foreign investments.