Our Approach to Business Consulting and M&A Transactions

At Zeifmans, we are as much business consultants as we are accountants. This not only puts us in a strong position to advise on mergers and acquisitions transactions, but also to create strategies and provide the many levels of guidance that ought to surround those transactions.

The primary objective of a business brokerage is to execute a transaction. Ours is to help you make the right decisions, and that starts with an understanding of your motivation.

When we consider clients’ reasons for buying or selling, the solution is rarely as cut and dried as the simple purchase or sale of a business. There are many factors to consider in contemplating either transaction, and dozens of alternatives to a sale. The key lies in finding the best option to achieve your unique goals.

Our team can assist you in:

Ensuring that the sale of your business provides you with the results you desire.

Producing a business valuation that not only calculates numbers but ascribes value to your intangible assets.

Developing a business plan or prospectus that ensures you’re prepared for the future of you company.

For more information about corporate finance services, please contact us using the form below.

