Investing in cybersecurity isn’t something a small or medium-sized business does when they can afford it. It’s an essential step the moment you’ve got devices connected to the internet. Security ...
New digital leadership strategies for building corporate culture with a hybrid workforce
Many employees were in survival mode for the last two years as remote work became the norm. Now that workplaces are preparing for a hybrid model, it’s time to acknowledge ...
Increasing SME cybersecurity vulnerability and ways to fight back
Cyberattacks and cybersecurity vulnerabilities were a growing threat before the pandemic and invasion of Ukraine. Now, the experts are sounding the alarms at maximum volume. Since the pandemic began, nearly ...
What the Rogers family drama can teach us about succession planning
The Rogers family drama has been captivating. The whole country watched it play out in the fall of 2021, when Edward Rogers tried to fire Rogers CEO Joe Natale. This ...
Procurement prep and supply chain stability in 2021
Roughly a year ago, we published a blog post outlining the ways in which businesses needed to pivot in order to succeed amidst early–COVID supply chain shortages. Little did we know that ...
Navigating supply chain management and distribution during crisis
For decades, best practices for supply chain management have emphasized a focus on cost reduction, inventory minimization, and increased asset utilization. While these are indeed helpful tenets, their heightened importance ...
Corporate turnaround: Real-world solutions in times of crisis
Recent economic challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have reversed course in a dramatic fashion for many businesses, with little opportunity to plan for the downturn. If your business is ...