Once land is owned or banked, it is not uncommon for several years to pass before it is ready for land development. Those who are new to the industry, or ...
Is land banking an effective investment strategy? Part 1 in a 3-part land development series
At Zeifmans, we have over 60 years of experience assisting clients throughout all the phases of their land development projects. We’ve seen how the market has changed over the years, ...
How to minimize or defer taxation on your trust’s 21st anniversary
At the 21 year mark, a trust is deemed to have disposed all of its assets at fair market value. And while that doesn’t mean that the beneficiaries lose the ...
The cross-border implications of life insurance taxation
The purpose of life insurance is to provide tax-free funds to those we love in the event of our passing. Ultimately, we want the policy to offer more than just ...
The non-resident’s guide to Canadian real estate
Economic and political stability. Low unemployment rates. Excellent health care. It’s no wonder why so many people from across the world choose Canada as their ideal location for real estate ...
Foreign Trustee vs. Canadian Trustee: What’s right for you?
When choosing a trustee for your trust, the tax consequences are often not front of mind. But they should be. While the most critical qualities in a trustee are trustworthiness, ...
Building a legacy wealth plan: Strategic planning expert Jonah Bidner shares what you need to know
In this uncertain time, the last thing you need to worry about is the future of your legacy wealth plan. It’s impossible to accurately forecast everything that will take place ...
Prescribed rate reductions could mean savings for your family
Back in April of 2018, the prescribed rate increased from 1% to 2%. Previously, the rate had remained stable for several years, aside from a brief hike for one quarter ...
More than life insurance
Most of us consider life insurance to be an important personal tool, offering peace of mind and financial protection in the event of an emergency. And while that is indeed ...