It’s no secret that the cannabis industry has faced some challenges since legalization. Though regulations are changing in favour of the industry’s growth, residue from past taboos and fumbled launches ...
For psilocybin, the hits keep coming
As we’ve spoken about in previous blog posts, the psychedelics industry has been rapidly expanding to become a key component in the treatment of a host of mental illnesses. With ...
Summary of our psychedelics podcast series: “Micro-dosing with Zeifmans”
Innovations in psychedelics are poised to disrupt the pharmaceutical industry, and the Zeifmans Cannabis and Psychedelics Team has been hard at work in the space and is here to demystify ...
Psychedelics investors are seeking 3 key qualities
Research is proving the impressive efficacy of psychedelics in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, and opioid addiction. Psychedelic substances like MDMA, LSD, ketamine, and most notably psilocybin (magic mushrooms) have ...
The future of Canadian cannabis
If you feel like your understanding of the Canadian cannabis market changes with the wind, you’re not alone. One year after cannabis was legalized in Canada, the regulations have changed ...
Could Jamaica be the answer to Canada’s cannabis shortage?
Some might argue that the marijuana leaf is to Jamaica what the maple leaf is to Canada. Through centuries of history, cannabis has been woven into Jamaican culture. And since ...
The Canadian cannabis industry’s new era of compliance
The Canadian cannabis industry has arrived at an impressive level of financial success following a sometimes rocky road to recreational legalization. In just a handful of years, we’ve seen the ...
Health Canada’s new cannabis licensing process
Last year’s full legalization of cannabis in Canada opened the door for an already growing industry to gain further momentum. But the country’s cannabis producers have experienced challenges as the ...
Zeifmans can help you navigate through the weeds
Legal sales of cannabis in Canada are expected to reach $6.5 billion per annum by 2020. As this industry reaches new heights, there is ample opportunity for both entrepreneurs, investors ...