The non-resident’s guide to Canadian real estate

Economic and political stability. Low unemployment rates. Excellent health care. It’s no wonder why so many people from across the world choose Canada as their ideal location for real estate investment. Home to many ex-pats, and a vacation favourite for global travellers, the Canadian real estate market provides fertile ground for both overseas investors and new immigrants looking to set down roots.

Within Canada, there are virtually no restrictions on foreign owned real estate investment. Thus, buying, developing, and selling within the Canadian real estate market is a relatively level playing field, no matter where your country of origin resides.

For first time investors in the real estate market in Canada, local expertise and knowledge is key to cost-effective purchasing. Zeifmans has prepared The non-resident’s guide to Canadian real estate in an effort to help you better understand the various facets of a real estate purchase in Canada. Here’s a quick snapshot of what you can expect to find in our guidebook:

To download The non-resident’s guide to Canadian real estate, please fill in your details and click submit below.

A guide for Non-Resident investment in Canadian real estate

At Zeifmans, our team has over 60 years of experience assisting buyers from across the globe in making intelligent investment decisions. Our solutions harness our specialized knowledge and out-of-the-box thinking to take our clients where they want to go financially, preserving and growing their hard-earned wealth for the long-term.

To download The non-resident’s guide to Canadian real estate, please fill in your details and click submit below.

Supplemental insights

Developing a property? Here’s what you need to know at every stage

Zeifmans’ Quarterly 3 – Development Trends
