Top Ten Real Estate Financial Management Tips for in 2017

Real estate has been one of the hottest investment vehicles across Canada in recent years, and 2017 is shaping up to be no different. To make sure your real estate business provides the returns you’re looking for, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to managing CRA tax rules and other planning strategies.

Whether you’ve been in the real estate industry for years, or you’re just starting out, you’ll benefit from keeping these top 10 tips in mind for 2017.

  1. New tax rules that became effective in 2016 mean the small business deduction is limited in a corporate group – but there are some tax planning techniques to minimize these consequences.
  2. A joint venture that is required to collect HST needs to follow certain HST rules which the CRA began enforcing in 2015. If you don’t comply … read more.

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